Media/Tech Specialist – Askia Jackson
Media Clerk – Michelle Auger
1. Students are allowed to check out 3 books.
2. Books may be kept for 2 weeks.
3. There are charges for damaged or lost books. Payments can be made onwww.mypaymentsplus.com
4. There are no charges for overdue books. Please return books in a timely manner. If a child has an overdue book, they will not be allowed to check out anything else until they return or renew the overdue book.
Username: RHES
Password: reader
The Summer Reading Bingo Card is here! If you need another card or you're traveling, there is a digital version for you to use. Just move the bingo chips to cover the task you complete and have an adult type their name in the box when you're done! If you are using the printed version, then just cross off the task you complete and have an adult sign the bottom of your card. Bring your card to the media center in August after summer vacation to get your cool prize! If you’re using the digital option, just “Turn It In” in the RHES Media Center Google Classroom when you’re done. If you're going to 4th grade, just give your card to Mrs. Sriratanakoul and I'll deliver your prize to you! Happy summer reading, Wildcats!
Useful Links

RHES Media Center Google Classroom - the code to join is bwikbhs

Get Epic! - the code to join is jgk0736

Sora Reading App - Here are instructions for getting to Sora.